Nanonics Imaging LTD

Nanonics, the first nanotechnology company in Israel, has effectively integrated breakthroughs in academic research into a sequence of breakthrough commercials products. These products fill crucial areas in material and device characterization. Nanonics provides the NanoToolKitTM needed for nanoimaging, Nano sensing, Nano writing and Nano soldering upon which the advances of the nanotechnology revolution depend. Its product portfolio is reminiscent of the success of companies in the micro tool kit arena. An additional concept in Nanonics product portfolio is a flexible NanoToolKtTM that could work not only as products on their own but also had the great potential of transforming standard tested tools of today into powerful integrated products of the present and the future.
The major objective of WP2 is the development of plasmonic tips fully compatible with a CMOS production environment. This feature will allow tip enhanced measurements to be executed inline during manufacturing instead of doing them in an offline destructive procedure. After the project the AFM plasmonic tips will be available for sale to every customer willing to use them on their instrumentation, analogously to the use of conventional AFM tips.
The major objective of WP3 is the realization of the design specs to allow the production of a fully automated metrology tool compliant with a clean room environment, and having integrated all the technical features developed in the WP2: the major objective of WP2 is the development of plasmonic
tips fully compatible with a CMOS production environment. This feature will allow tip enhanced measurements to be executed inline during manufacturing instead of doing them in an offline destructive procedure. After the project the AFM plasmonic tips will be available for sale to every customer willing to use them on their instrumentation, analogously to the use of conventional AFM tips.