07 JUNE 2021

Challenges project participated at E-MRS 2021 Spring Meeting Symposium – ALTECH 2021 – Analytical techniques for precise characterization of nano materials on June 2nd, 2021. The event, that was held online from May 31st to June 3rd, covered recent and innovative developments in analytical techniques that can provide precise characterization of materials and devices with nanoscale and/or atomic resolution. The objective of this symposium is both to highlight the capabilities of precise techniques for the determination of the key structural and material parameters and for a better understanding of the functional properties of challenging new materials. One major focus will be on application of these techniques to new and complex materials systems with high potential of industrial application which includes nanoscale objects (nanowires, quantum dots, nanoparticles) and nanostructured thin films of organic, hydrid or inorganic semicondutors, functionalized surfaces and others.

A special session dedicated to Challenges project was organized: during this session, some of the partners participated and gave some presentations about project actitivies’. The presentations were:

– H2020 CHALLENGES – Toward advanced clean room compatible plasmonic probes (D.Passeri)

– H2020 CHALLENGES – Requirements for in-line nano-characterization measurements of semiconductor, photovoltaic, and 2D-material devices (I.Gordon)

– H2020 CHALLENGES – The validation role of TEM, X-ray, Raman based characterization techniques in the development of innovative in-line and real-time characterizations for semiconductor, photovoltaic, and 2D-material (V.Morandi)

– H2020 CHALLENGES – Strain measurements using micro-Raman spectroscopy: State of the art of metrological evaluation (S. Wundrack)

Here’s some pictures of the event